Romanian version
legalizations • certifications • translations
authentications • succesions • mortgages


INITIO notary office




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Real estate documents authentication ; sales, donations, mortgages, association contracts, transactions, etc.

Contracts concerning immovable assets require the following acts :

  1. Ownership acts and, if be the case, documents concerning the history of the property titles
  2. Cadastral survey
  3. Fiscal certificate issued by the Local Taxes Division from the municipality where the asset is located, issued in the month when the act is to be concluded
  4. Energy efficiency certificat
  5. Land register authentication certificate ( obtained only through the notary office)
  6. For extra muros land : agricultural land register certificate and proof of tenant preemptive right application
  7. Parties must be present in person or represented by power of attorney

Depending on the peculiarities of each case, aditional documents may be necessary.
For properties located in Sector 1, Bucharest, the fiscal certificate may be obtained online through the notary office, while inheritors no longer need to go to the Townhall in person.
For this Sector it is also possible to open fiscal records for the inheritors online, again through the notary office.
It is estimated that this facility shall be extended soon to other sectors in Bucharest and other municipalities in the country.