INITIO NOTARY OFFICE provides the following notary services:
- Specialized services
- In order to get married
- Usage of acts and documents issued by foreign authorities
- The requirement of translating and legalizing civil status acts has been eliminated for certain countries
- Choosing applicable law upon entering into marriage
- Real estate acquisitions in Romania by foreign nationals or companies
- Planning a succession
- Registering abroad a will made in Romania. Searching for a will made abroad
- Divorcing as a foreign national
- Corss-border successions (the decesed was a foreign national, a Romanian national domiciled abroad, inheritors are foreign nationals)
- Amicable divorces and asset division between spouses
- Marriage settlments and matrimonial property planning
- Wills
- Succesions
- Authentication of real estate documents : sales, donations, mortgages, partnership agreements, transactions
- Certifications
- Legal translations from and into Romanian
- Declarations
- Miscellaneous operations : legalizations of copies of original acts, authentications of acts with or without patrimonial character, power of attorney