Romanian version
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Matrimonial conventions and matrimonial asset planning

The future spouses choose a matrimonial regime upon the conclusion of marriage.
Each of the three matrimonial regimes provided by the Romanian law requires following a set of rules concerning the acquisition, management and disposal of the spouses’ income and assets, as well as the regime of their debts.
Spouses may also include in the matrimonial convention rules concerning the divorce, the compensation payment in case of divorce or the support obligation.
The matrimonial convention must be made in an authenticated form, before the signing of the marriage papers, and must be handed over to the official that performs the marriage.
Once the matrimonial regime is chosen, it can only be changed after one year has elapsed since the marriage.This is done by liquidating the previous regime and by concluding a new matrimonial convention.
Regimurile matrimoniale se adaptează în funcţie de situţia patrimonială, ocupaţia, veniturile, previziunile profesionale ale soţilor.
The three matrimonial regimes are : legal community, conventional community, and asset separation regime. The asset separation regime may be simple or with participation in acquisitions.